Come follow me to Influenster

Saturday, May 2, 2015

*cue music* "It's been awhile..."

Wow. I swear I did not forget about this blog or my lovely readers. In my one year hiatus my grammar has not improved one iota. So bare with me.

Let's see, where to start. I no longer live in sunny Florida (oh how I miss it). Baby number two has arrived into the world.She's currently only 2 months old. Beautiful just like her big sister. My social life has NOT improved. Ooh and I've started back nursing school. Which is a pretty big deal for me.

I haven't really received any major marketing material lately, aside from a small VoxBox from Influenster (I'll get to that in a bit) but I do have a major campaign coming up that I'm thrilled about! I did decide to try Bzzagent for a bit. While, yes you do receive more testing material more frequently than Influenster, I was tired of testing the same allergy medicine and toilet paper over and over again. You can only review the same product so many times. Plus, they are already well established brands, that no matter how critical the review is, the company isn't going to change. They haven't in the decades that they have been around.

Anywho....since having the second (and last) baby, I have blown up like a balloon. I've decided to take back my body with a little help from some Lipovite injections. I need a little jump start to get my weight under control so I can start back doing my heavier exercises. The injections are pretty much souped up B12 injections. Don't worry, I have fully researched this product and am under this program through the monitoring of my doctor. I receive blood work to make sure my vitamin levels are where they need to be. I do NOT recommend or endorse any weight loss program to be started with out the consent of your primary medical professional. But keep a look out as I will be posting and update at my one month mark, including some Before and Current pictures. Fingers crossed!

Now on to the @Influenster update I promised! I was recently chosen to try out some panty liners. I know, that's a weird thing to test. But trust me. I believe it is time to get some honest opinions out there. Women shouldn't be ashamed or feel awkward about purchasing or talking about their female products. The product I've been testing for a little over a week now has been Carefree Actifresh Pantiliners.

These liners wick away moisture and keep you dry all day. This is perfect since I've been exercising more lately. They are no-odor (no perfume to cause irritation) and don't bunch like other pads or liners. No more feeling like you are wearing a diaper! The liner's themselves come in little discrete packaging, that fits in a pocket or clutch or wherever with ease.

Carefree has actually been launching a special campaign to encourage women to embrace their fierce side. (Anyone getting a little Tyra vibe?) Check it out at: FreshIsFierce or their twitter with #FreshIsFierce and #Influenster to keep up with fellow reviewers.

I do have a picture up on my Instagram showing what you should look for in store. Hopefully the link will work. I'm trying to get that up and running, so that I can share pictures with you lovelies. Check it out here.

As always, the above mentioned Carefree product was for me to review. And since the FTC and all requires this, (although by now you should know where I get my freebies): "I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes."

Much love and rainbows,


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